Will you be meeting with Spencer virtually or
in-person in Logan, Utah?


Virtual / mail-in

I would like to meet in-person with Spencer and  schedule an in-person audit

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I would like to meet over zoom with Spencer and send in my blood samples

learn more & have your supplies mailed to you


Virtual / Mail-in

I would like to meet in-person with Spencer and  schedule an in-person audit

Learn More & schedule

I would like to meet over zoom with Spencer and send in my blood samples.

Learn more &  have your supplies mailed to you

Let's Begin

You might call this the Forrest Gump approach to health care, where one day his mother might have told him, “Forrest, healthy is as healthy does.”

The problem today in much of the healthcare industry is that they don’t really seem to know what healthy is, nor what healthy does. People are getting sicker and sicker, at younger and younger ages, and the cost of not fixing anything is going higher and higher.

There are real solutions to this mess. However, with a government-regulated, controlled, and monolithic monopolistic industry such as what our current healthcare system has become, those solutions won’t be adopted anytime soon.

But that does not mean we can’t, or you can’t, or together WE CAN, adopt, adapt, and change things, one person at a time. And in time, one becomes two, then four, then eight and sixteen and….

And so we do what we do.

If you don’t want problems with your health, there is only one thing you can do.
Be healthy!
Because if you’re healthy, you can’t be sick!

What is Blood Auditing used for?
LDBA can identify specific nutrients that may be lacking, give indications of stress in specific organs, and assess levels of inflammation, oxidation, or toxicity. It can also help determine the digestive capacity and health of the microbiome, as well as indicate the general state of health in the tissues of the body (known as the ‘internal terrain’).  

A skilled practitioner can use the results of this audit to gain a deeper understanding of what may be happening within the body of a client, get to the root cause of symptoms, and offer education that is aimed at supporting the body’s natural drive for optimum health.

Can LDBA be used to diagnose disease?
Only qualified doctors can diagnose disease. Blood tests generally are only a screening process to pick up various imbalances that can be detected through the blood. This also applies to Live & Dry Blood Audits.

Is LDBA based on scientific research?

Yes. LDBA was pioneered by scientists in the 18th & 19th Centuries such as Antoine Bechamp and Claude Bernard, and has continued to be developed ever since. In parts of Europe, Asia, India and Brazil it is used extensively by integrative medical practitioners.